• food solutions food solutions First plant-based world expo and conference a success!

    First plant-based world expo and conference a success! Informative sessions, new products, and networking. At the first plant-based expo past week 125 exhibitors showed their commitment to a plant-based world to 3,700 visitors. This event had an exposition and an educational conference section. The expo was all about plant-based products: meatless burgers, oatmilk, protein shakes, […]

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  • Potato soup Potato soup: a nice, hearty soup with a touch of extra virgin argan oil:

    Potato soup: a nice, hearty soup with a touch of extra virgin argan oil: Ingredients: 8 mashed potatoes 2 onions 2 tablespoons flour or cornflour fresh cream (at least 20 cl) herbs extra virgin argan oil pepper kosher salt poppy seeds Preparation: Peel the potatoes. Cut the onions in four and the potatoes into pieces. […]

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  • I love Argan Oil I love Argan Oil By Misao Itoh

    味噌汁とアルガンオイル: アルガンオイルはチョコレート菓子や生ハムメロンととても相性がいいですが、日本食とはどうだろうかと考えていた時、友人が味噌汁に入れるととてもおいしいと言うので、器に味噌汁をもってから、小さじ1杯のアルガンオイルを入れましたら、本当においしかったので、おすすめです。 日本のオリーブの産地では、オリーブオイルを味噌汁に入れる習慣があり、オリーブオイルを入れていた友人がスーラのアルガンオイルを使ってみたら、コクが出て、とてもおいしかったので、それからはアルガンオイルを使っているとのことです。アルガンオイルはオリーブオイルよりもビタミンEが3-4倍ありますので、栄養面でも優れています。 味噌とオイルはなじみがいいので、味噌とアルガンオイルのレシピをさらに探してみます。 Miso Soup and Argan oil: Argan oil works very well with chocolate confections and raw ham with melon, but when I was wondering how good culinary argan oil would go with Japanese food, my friend told me it would be very delicious if you put it into miso soup.  So, after […]

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  • Can a test diagnose food allergies?

    That’s the subject of the article Caitlin Dow published in May 2019 in Nutrition Action – ‘unbiased advice to help you eat healthfully and live longer ‘. You might be familiar with the Nutrition Action newsletter (https://www.nutritionaction.com) as it has a following of 2 million people. It is produced by the Center for Science in […]

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  • The Protein Flip, an initiative from the Culinary Institute of America and Harvard

    The Protein Flip, an initiative from the Culinary Institute of America and the Harvard T.H. Chan, Department of Nutrition The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is the leading US culinary school with its campus in New York, and has trained more than 50,000 chefs. In collaboration with the Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School […]

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  • CULINARY MEDICINE: What is it and does it matter?

    CULINARY MEDICINE: What is it and does it matter? A JOURNEY ON WHAT’S GOING ON: the movement is the metric. While doing internet research, a pop-up from Grammarly, (a free online grammar checking platform), came up: Check out the big vocabulary on you! You used more unique words than 92% of Grammarly users. Keep it […]

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  • April 7, World Health Day

    April 7, World Health Day The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN Foundation –  www.barillacfn.com), founded by pasta giant Barilla, developed this double food and environmental pyramid model, which emerged from research and evolution of the food pyramid, which forms the basis of the Mediterranean diet. The double food and environmental pyramid highlight the […]

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  • Harvard symposium to tackle increasing diabetes among refugees

    Humanitarian workers from around the globe will visit Harvard to discuss how best to treat the increasing number of diabetics among refugee populations. Symposium organizers talk about the problem and what they hope the symposium will accomplish. Great steps to learn more. Culinary Argan oil has great health benefits and helps to fight diabetes – […]

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  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Underlining the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    Diseases cost the African Region $2.4 trillion a year, says WHO, underlining the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)   What are Noncommunicable – or chronic – diseases?  These are diseases of long duration and generally slow progression. The four main types of noncommunicable diseases are – cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke), – cancer, – chronic respiratory diseases […]

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  • scientists confirm: vegetable oil is safe for cooking.

    “scientists confirm: vegetable oil is safe for cooking.” Consumers are regularly bombarded with warnings about what foods they should avoid,” F. “While limiting the overall fat intake is also part of the current nutrition recommendations, we hope people will feel comfortable cooking with vegetable oils.”, said Prof Dr. Kevin Fritsche, University of Missouri. In 2013 […]

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