Vegan Ingredients:
Yellow Split peas, Onion, Organic Extra-Virgin Culinary Argan Oil, Salt, Paprika, Olive oil, Ground Cumin, Organic Thyme, Organic Saffron.
- Sauté chopped onion and garlic with olive oil and a pinch of salt until caramelized.
- Add rinsed yellow split peas and water to a saucepan with the caramelized onions and garlic.
- Bring to a boil, then simmer until peas are tender.
- Season with salt, cumin, paprika, a dash of culinary argan oil, and a pinch of saffron. Blend until smooth.
For this symposium dish with argan oil, thyme, and saffron, a delicate protein like chicken or fish complements these flavors well.
Chicken would absorb the aromatic qualities of the herbs and spices, while
Fish, particularly a firmer variety like salmon or cod, would offer a nice contrast to the rich, nutty flavor of the argan oil.
Both options would create a delicious dish!

Original First International Symposium Dish with Saffron, Thyme, and Culinary Argan Oil